History of the ¶¶ÒôÒõapp District


Welcome to the Houston County ¶¶ÒôÒõapp District Archives website! This website documents our District's history and serves as a place to house historical information and photographs pertaining to both the District and our schools.  Contributions are gladly accepted for consideration of posting.  

Our families are invited to share pictures, newspaper clippings, programs or other pertinent information.  Please scan and submit items by e-mail to webmaster@hcbe.net.

About the Board

Boards of ¶¶ÒôÒõapp originated in 1870 with the creation of the Georgia constitution. The first reporting of schools to the State occurred in 1873.  The Houston County Board of ¶¶ÒôÒõapp is comprised of seven members elected to serve four-year terms. Five members are elected by voting districts; two members are elected at-large. The Superintendent of ¶¶ÒôÒõapps serves as an ex-officio member of the Board and acts as the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board is a political subdivision of the State of Georgia with the power and authority to maintain, operate and make rules and regulations to govern the schools within the jurisdiction. As the governing body of the school district, the Board's primary responsibilities are policymaking, budget approval, evaluation of the superintendent and other duties as prescribed by law. The superintendent and staff work to enforce the policies and to ensure that each student has an equal opportunity for quality education.

Currently, the District consists of 38 schools which serve approximately 30,000 students. The ¶¶ÒôÒõapp District is District Accredited by the AdvancED Accreditation Commission, the national commission that confers the Southern Association of Colleges and ¶¶ÒôÒõapps Council on Accreditation and ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Improvement accreditation seal. This means that the District and all 38 schools are accredited and that Houston County is recognized across the nation as a quality school district.

HCBOE History Collage of ¶¶ÒôÒõapps
Video player keyboard control info.
Perry Area Historical Society logo link
Georgia Historical Society logo link
Board of ¶¶ÒôÒõapp History button
Current ¶¶ÒôÒõapps History button
Enrollment History button
Eric P. Staples Memorial Building button
Executive Cabinet History button
Former ¶¶ÒôÒõapps button
Freedom Field
Herman Ragin Center button
Historical Timelines button
McConnell-Talbert Stadium button
Superintendents of ¶¶ÒôÒõapps button
Vintage Classroom Museum button